
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Web Design reflection

This year in Web Design with Mr. Olson, I learned significantly more than I learned last year.I first learned how to operate a mac more effectively, which will help me when I go to west and have to use one everyday. For collaboration, this wasn't really applied in this class because everything was individual based projects. For communication, I learned how to ask technology-based questions to other classmates and the instructor. Project management was difficult for me in this class, as deadlines for grading were happening fast. Leadership I couldn't say applied in this class due to no group projects. With what I have learned in this class, I will be using my knowledge to create unit websites for my reenacting groups. If I had to change anything, I would not use dreamweaver, I understand that it is good for html/css, but the websites look the same using it and they are not high quality. What I still need to work on is my coding, as I don't have everything down yet. Overall, i really enjoyed this class, and it will really help me for next year when I am on my own making my own websites.

Mr. Olson said he would consider raising my grade if I shared some of my personal work, so here it is-

I have developed my own personal website for a reenactment unit I am in, and I have multiple pages I am researching and putting information on. It has a very sleek layout, and I am very proud of the progress I've made on it. 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Flash article

This is all the answers to the rubric provided may Mr. Olson. Here I will discuss the good things, and the bad about flash. The history will also be represented here.

Flash made new things possible with websites. To start out, it made it possible to see videos, play games through the internet, and to have the webpage be more interactive.

Flash guaranteed that content would look and behave the same for anyone who opened it.

The iPhone (Apple), the most popular phone company, decided not to support flash causing flash to fall. The reasoning was that it was "insecure".

In 2011, adobe released flash for the android and this brought flash back to some of it's former glory.

In 2015 adobe cancelled the popular "edge animate".

Facebook is the "last bastion"for flash since it is still used in Facebook games.

Google (youtube) has announced that HTML5 is its primary system, so they are going away from flash.

Flash is slowly dying, nut continues strong through Facebook.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Topic Site

Here are 2 sample pages from my topic site. I did not complete the CSS, so it doesn't look as good as it could have. I worked hard to find quality pictures, and as much detail as I could fit into one paragraph. I found hat with this project, it is very difficult to find non-biased info about reenacting. Information would either be coming from individuals who hate reacting, or enjoy it. So, I found a few sources who reported on it without any expression of love or hate. I probably spent too much time researching my topic, and that's why it didn't get fully completed. I really enjoyed finding information about my hobby that I hadn't before. There wasn't any challenges to me, because I was using all of my prior knowledge. however, a challenge to me was the time constraints. I had extreme difficulty getting the project to its completion. 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Portfolio Reflection

To begin this blog post, I will be discussing my salt shaker project. This used my new knowledge of "rounding off " objects. It may not be my favorite project, but it does show the basic knowledge of creating simple objects. I would change the way I did lighting, as it is very poorly lighted. My skills of creating basic rounded objects increased after doing this project. Overall, It was an enjoyable project to create.

In my hammer project, we created a hammer of the standard type, and a nail to  accompany it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Raven VS Crow website!

The raven vs crow website is my first website ever on dreamweaver. The purpose of this website is to compare/ contrast the differences between a raven and a common crow. The website is quite simplistic, and that is how it ought to be , as it is my first project on dreamweaver.It combined all of my knowledge on div's, and other HTML code language. This project outlines the differences and similarities of a raven and crow in a manner of textual information plus the addition of two links at the end of each given article. Also, there are two included pictures from the internet that I had to save to the server folder to insert .

Friday, September 16, 2016

Color code sampler and Text sampler

The hexadecimal color code sampler was a fun project, and it really stretched my capabilities.

As you can see, the completed project turned out well.
I feel that all the coding I had to do really stretched my abilities.
Next, i am showcasing the code for my Text sampler.
MR Olson wasn't here to help me work on fixing the text, as it was not switching type variations, so here is my text. It was a complete project, and I still do not, looking at my notes even understand how to get type to work.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Wayback Machine

This project is of the Wayback machine. It is an online record of websites in the past, and present. The assignment was to examine 2 websites in their past and present form. I chose to examine gun, an online gun auction site similar to eBay, and, a website that sells a large variety of goods. in 2004. Simplistic at best.

Gunbroker as it is today, a much more appealing site.

Gunbroker in 2004. note its complexity compared to amazon

Gunbroker today. It actually isnt that different in 2004. Note the large number of columns.

Amazon as it is today. Much easier to navigate.

Amazon in 2004. Very simple.

Amazon as it is today, notice how much more complex the code is.