
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Web Design reflection

This year in Web Design with Mr. Olson, I learned significantly more than I learned last year.I first learned how to operate a mac more effectively, which will help me when I go to west and have to use one everyday. For collaboration, this wasn't really applied in this class because everything was individual based projects. For communication, I learned how to ask technology-based questions to other classmates and the instructor. Project management was difficult for me in this class, as deadlines for grading were happening fast. Leadership I couldn't say applied in this class due to no group projects. With what I have learned in this class, I will be using my knowledge to create unit websites for my reenacting groups. If I had to change anything, I would not use dreamweaver, I understand that it is good for html/css, but the websites look the same using it and they are not high quality. What I still need to work on is my coding, as I don't have everything down yet. Overall, i really enjoyed this class, and it will really help me for next year when I am on my own making my own websites.

Mr. Olson said he would consider raising my grade if I shared some of my personal work, so here it is-

I have developed my own personal website for a reenactment unit I am in, and I have multiple pages I am researching and putting information on. It has a very sleek layout, and I am very proud of the progress I've made on it. 

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